Published bi-monthly, the magazine looks at the 60's scene as it is today, alive and well - and happening at a venue near you. Printed in A4 format, a one year subscription costs £25 UK or £30 OVERSEAS (six issues)
John Schroeder is the Friends Club President
Brian Matthew is the Friends Club Vice President
Gay Wiggins is the Friends Club Secretary-
Please visit this page regularly for updates, as last minute alterations and additions will be included here between Fan Club Newsletter issues. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU VISIT THE NEWS SECTION REGULARLY FOR ANY IMPORTANT NEWS e.g Newspaper articles etc, featuring HELEN!
Please send an e-mail if you have any information that you would like to appear on these pages -here is your chance to have your comments about HELEN published on 'The Web'
If you have any archive pics you would like to share with fellow members, or would just like to introduce yourself to fellow fans, send details by e mail and you can have your own page here on the site.Please remember to include a pic of yourself...and whether you would want me to include your e-mail address!
This Website is intended to celebrate Helen's career (the good times and the not so good) from 1961 to the present day...
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Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Andrew Earwaker